Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Monday 11 January 1999

David is back after several

15.04 David is back after several feverish days. The doctor told David he is so run down it'll be a month before he's back in shape.

Chris Murphy has e-mailed me - not to warn of the dangers of fetishising music's inherent and delineated meanings - but to inform me I have mistakenly referred to the "Iron Horse" (not a reference to my Wife) in Northampton, Massachusetts as the "Iron Rail".

The Iron Rail is a bar in Charles Town, West Virginia, where performances were given by members of many Guitar Craft courses. The clientele of the Iron Rail were not overly sophisticated, nor did they seem to enjoy very bad guitarists singing and playing at them. A perfect venue, then, to test the mettle of young aspirant performers whose fantasies had not been tested in the unreal world.


Also in my e-mail today:

Ben Bennett regarding re-publishing the public talks of JGB. T.Lev: Seal has booked rehearsal time so ProjeKct Four will not be going out in the Spring. Kent Laursen, pal, Crafty guitarist and software magician, enclosing news & reviews of his latest presentation: "An extraordinary tool" (Alan Kaiser); "I've known for over a year that I needed a tool like this..." (Jonathan Luskin). I am very happy for both Kent & Phyllis.

Now Soundscapes from the second night at The Painted Bride, Philadelphia, on December 12th. 1997. A note on the inlay card, drawn from The Abbreviated Journals of Ulbert Parp, passes this judgement of the walk-in music (prior to the "performance" proper): "A superb drifting embracing sonic pleroma". Wow.

